Monday, September 23, 2013

A Site Worth Checking Out

Have had this site - Neocities - bookmarked for a bit, haven't set up an account and played with it yet, however.  It's an attempt to get back to the old Geocities era, back before Web 2.0 ( or whatever version we are on now).

Sounds like a fun sandbox to play in - check it out if you have the chance.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Data and Reality

If you've been following events at all, you probably know that 64 year old Diana Nyad swam from Cuba to Key West last week.  And you've probably also heard the backlash now that some other people have said they looked at the GPS data from her swim and think she cheated.

I think this highlights one of the issues of our data-rich world.  We have become so enamored of crunching the numbers and simulating reality that we have lost any real connection to what that data represents.

The Earth is not a set of data points that refreshes on a regular basis.  It is a moving, swirling, growing and decaying non-stop show.  I'm not sure who the people are who are questioning Nyad's swim, but I am pretty certain of one thing...they haven't spent much time in the Florida Straits, or else they'd be familiar with the Gulf Stream.

I can't fault anyone for looking at the raw data and seeing her speed up, but you have to wonder why someone wouldn't stop to think about all the possibilities before opening their yap for the media.

My understanding of this affair currently is that independent oceanographers have agreed with Nyad's version of events.  So I'm guessing that this is now a non-story.

But one other thing convinces me that the attempt was free from cheating.  On video of Nyad's swim, we see a flotilla of boats and kayaks around her.

That's a lot of people to keep quiet if you are going to pull a fast one.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

It's Time Again

Like many blogs, this one has had a dormant spell.  But it's not dead yet!

I think I made a mistake in the past by trying to make the focus too narrow and constricted.   I was only looking at ways to write and comment about what was going on in the "Maker" movement, which is both broad and narrow at the same time.  Broad in that it encompasses people following literally thousands of interests and passions, and narrow in that it is too small a subset of humanity to get a lot of traction.

I've relocated across the country, so with new digs come new ideas.....hopefully interesting enough to initiate a discussion.